Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Time Out

I'm sleepy and my uterus is trying to kill me again. Will catch up later.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bit of a Scare

So blog, I realize I have been avoiding you again. My apologies. I am here to avoid shenanigans being called by my lovely cousin KV.

I've had rough start this week.

Sunday night, I am casually laying in bed with the BF while avoiding a looming care plan that was due in T minus 10 hours. I am not sure how, I probably had some sort of itch, but I somehow noticed a lump conveniently located between my arm pit and my side boob(see: Lindsay Lohan) . Needless to say I had a bit of a freak out that mostly consisted of a lot of “what the eff is that?!”. The BF began the googling and I referred to my nursing book in search of something that did have the word cancer in it. All of or sources pointed to go to the doctor. Being that it was Sunday night I would have to wait until the morning to call and make an appointment, not my best night sleep to say the least. I had clinicals bright and early Monday morning and after only a few hours of actual sleep I was not in the greatest of moods, it didn't help that I somehow ended up working on the cancer floor that day (damn you universe and your sick since of humor).

I (unsuccessfully) did everything I could to keep my mind off my new bump. I took care of patients. I helped lift of 610 pound man off the floor. I even went and tried to save lives by giving blood, also unsuccessfully, apparently they didn't want my kind (or I just didn't have enough iron).

Well, my appointment was this morning and it turns out I just have some sort of cyst. They wrote me a prescription for antibiotics and called it a day. Thank God.

After my appointment I decided to take myself on an impromptu shopping trip. I found deal after deal. Here is the run down. I came home with 3 tanks, 1 tee, 1 dress (with pickets!), 1 pair of workout pants, 2 workout tops and a blazer. Grand totally (insert da da da da here) $52.00. Effint awesome! Now my and my bump have some new threads to sport and I am not broke. Maybe this week is looking up.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Water Aerobics Class Uno

Before you judge, based on the fact that I am not this lady . . .

Completely Legit

Let me just say water aerobics is hard, and yes I was by FAR the youngest person there (minus my friends who I dragged along with me). Not only were my abs and arms burning more than they have in a long time, but I felt a little bit like I did when we use to play “The Little Mermaid” in the pool when I was little (never did get to be aerial, my sister was a jerk). I feel like that makes a win, win situation. I will definitely be adding that to my work out routine that now consist of Yoga, Zumba, gym days (that I hate), and Sunday morings that consist of trying to pry the BF out of bed for a walk. I am thinking about adding a Monday night kickboxing class, we will see how ambitious I feel come Monday night.

I am really excited about how things are going with this working out and eating better thing. Not only are my clothes fitting better (kind of getting to the point of needed to buy new ones, love it!) but I feel A LOT better. Truth be told I really have to thank my cousin KV for all of this. She has done such an amazing job getting health that it has really inspired me to do the same. Let’s face the facts folks, I am Mexican, we like to eat. We are big and loud and most of our conversations start with pass the chips, por favor. Seeing KV do the amazing job that she has done really gives me hope that I can do it too. I just hope she knows how much I love her and how proud I am of her.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Good for Nothing

I have somehow not been able to stay up past 9pm the last few days. I don't know if it is the extra working out or the fact that school is eating me alive, but I somehow transformed into some kind of old’ a lady (if only I could get my cousin to teach me how to knit.)

Things are going surprisingly well this week though. I had what was promised to be a killer test today that turned out to be not so terrible. Things with the BF have been going pretty well, although, I can’t say that I have seen or talked to him much this week (see above old’ a lady) but I did confirm yesterday that he is alive and well so I am taking it as a win. The working out and eating healthy is paying off (I LOST 3.5 pounds last week!) and I found a new favorite healthy snack: soy nuts. I must say I was skeptical at first too, but they are tasty little buggers.

The more I write today, the more I realize I really have nothing of interest to note. No fun/gross story from the hospital, no family/friend drama, really my life is a bore this week. I suppose I could write about the dancing queen from Zumba class, but that one you really had to be there for.

To the 3-5 people that read my blog (mostly because they have to) have a good rest of your week.