Thursday, August 27, 2009


I will never text and drive again. Be warned, this is very very graphic!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Work-Out Overload

I am pretty proud of myself. I have decided (once again) that I am going to work out of a regular basis. I am on week 2 and so far so good. I am determined to not be the fat friend for the rest of my life. I think I may have over done it a bit this week though, and it’s only Wednesday.


Monday: Gym after a long 8 hours of clinicals AND tennis with The BFF (I had the feeling that the BFF was going to bail on me, sadly for my legs, I was mistaken.) Being that the BFF and I haven’t played tennis since Jr. High School, it was mostly just us running after that ball. I was doing ok until be decided to round out our night with some sprints, let me just say, those were A LOT easier with I was 13.

Tuesday: 15 minute KILLER abs class (I almost died!) followed by Yoga (WAY harder than I thought it would be, apparently I have no flexibility or balance . . . weird), topped off with a Zumba class that is quickly turning in to my new favorite workout. **Thanks to NE and LL for joining in the ass shaking fun!**

Wednesday: I was originally planning on not working out today considering that my hamstrings are none too pleased with me at the moment. However, when I found an extra few hours today I talked my self in to some extra cardio (could hurt right?).
I am not sure about tomorrow, but I think I am going to at least try and some more cardio in, maybe just a walk though.

I haven’t jumped on a scale yet and I don’t think I’m going too. I figure as long as I feel better, which I do other than the lactic acid that is eating my muscles, then I am going to stick with it. Don’t be surprised if you don’t recognize me next time you see me as I now look like this . . .

Apparently I also grew a penis became a lesbian while at the gym, shh don't tell the BF.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why do People Feel the Need to Steal

Hello Fuckers Who Stole my Car Radio Last Night,

First off, of all cars you could have broken into that reside at Casa de Gomez* what about my little red truck attracted you? Was it the candy apple color or the locks that even i could break into? There were many other prime break opportunities for you ass holes. My radio wasn't even nice, it once forced me to listen to the same CD for over a year, Smashing Pumpkins none the less, OH didn't know you were stealing damaged goods did you?! While I do appreciate you leaving my Cd's behind, especially now that I have nothing to listen to them with, I much would have rather you got your punk asses away from Sparky.

Suck it Douche Bags,


Side note, when I called my mom this morning on my silent/pissed off ride to the hospital to inform her of the horse shit that took place last night her response was . . .
"well did you leave your door unlocked?!"
Yes mom, I left my door wide open and put out a sign that said free CD player come and get it!

Why is it that my parents are the worse people to give pep talks. . .ever! Like the time when my puppy died and my dad decided to bring up how sad it was when my grandma died when I was 7. Thanks Parents! That really helps!

Dammit I just realized my bomb ass 80s party mix was in the CD player?! It's like pouring salt in the wound.

*6 in total. No we are not Mexican at all!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

500 Days of Summer Made Me Sad for No Reason.

(500) Days of Summer was everything I hoped for. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was perfection as the hopeless romantic boy that could not possibly exist in real life (but not in a disgusting pansy way). My girl crush was precious, for the most part. I loved loved loved her clothes in the movie, she was really working that 60s chic style that I could never pull off. Also, her apartment . . . adorable! I love vintage so much it kills me; I really need to express that more.

It did however evoke some sort of Debby Downer in me that not even my favorite sushi could pull me out of. I blame being a girl mostly (that damn PMS will get you every time!) , and the fact that I came home from visiting my grandparents to find that my bedroom had been tampered with**. My apologies to my amazing boyfriend that has more patients for my crazy antics* than I deserve.

Anyways I highly recommend going and seeing it. Unless you are PMSing, then maybe you should wait a week to avoid crying and convincing yourself that your boyfriend of two who has never made any indication that he is unhappy is going to break up with you at any moment***

*By antics I clearly mean mood swings
**What the hell people like living at home doesn't suck enough, can I ONE thing that is mine?! Fucking felafel.
*** Just me then

Friday, August 7, 2009


It is a sad sad day. Being that I am one of those girls that fell in love with Jake Ryan Ducky the moment I saw him I have to appropriately morn the loss of the 80s icon that made the Sunday afternoons of my adolescence much more entertaining. . .Mr. John Hughes. **insert moment of silance here**

My favs people, in no particular order (but if there were are a particular order The Breakfast Club just might be #1)

The Breakfast Club

I honestly can't count the number of times my cousin KV and I have tried to determine who in our family is which character. Yet, somehow I always end up getting the shaft and having to play the principle. Well, thanks John for giving me bad ass lines. If you mess with the bull you will indeed get the horns.

Pretty In Pink

Oh lovely Ducky I can’t count the number of ways I loved you. I always thought that Blane guy was kind of a queer. You won me over with you awesome shoes and keen since of terrible 80s style (go fig.)

Farris Bueller's Day Off

Let’s be real folks, everyone has at one point or another wanted a Farris Bueller day. I mean really, who doesn’t want to sing in the middle of a parade and have a friend like Cameron. Just me. . .fine, I’m good with it.

Sixteen Candles

There really are no words. Sixteen Candles is classically amazing, pure 80s perfection.

Curly Sue

Did you know John Hughes did Curly Sue?! Me either! (Apparently neither of us can read the box). It makes me want to bust out my spiral curling iron and box of trinkets.

John Hughes signle handedly defined 80s teen angst that still stands true today:

Dear Mr. Vernon,

we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us — in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain … and an athlete … and a basket case … a princess … and a criminal. Does that answer your question?

Sincerely yours,
The Breakfast Club

John Hughes (1950-2009)

You made you mark on the world John and worry not

We won't forget about you.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Will Be Right Back

School and work are killing me at the moment, I promise I will post more once it calms a bit.

Don't give up on me yet!