Tuesday, August 11, 2009

500 Days of Summer Made Me Sad for No Reason.

(500) Days of Summer was everything I hoped for. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was perfection as the hopeless romantic boy that could not possibly exist in real life (but not in a disgusting pansy way). My girl crush was precious, for the most part. I loved loved loved her clothes in the movie, she was really working that 60s chic style that I could never pull off. Also, her apartment . . . adorable! I love vintage so much it kills me; I really need to express that more.

It did however evoke some sort of Debby Downer in me that not even my favorite sushi could pull me out of. I blame being a girl mostly (that damn PMS will get you every time!) , and the fact that I came home from visiting my grandparents to find that my bedroom had been tampered with**. My apologies to my amazing boyfriend that has more patients for my crazy antics* than I deserve.

Anyways I highly recommend going and seeing it. Unless you are PMSing, then maybe you should wait a week to avoid crying and convincing yourself that your boyfriend of two who has never made any indication that he is unhappy is going to break up with you at any moment***

*By antics I clearly mean mood swings
**What the hell people like living at home doesn't suck enough, can I ONE thing that is mine?! Fucking felafel.
*** Just me then

1 comment:

  1. im a guy and i just cried after watching it. im not sure what is going on. this never happens! just know you aren't the only one! its a good movie!
